

Click bank tutorial

Make money with Clickbank

Clickbank Money Making

So let’s get started. The first thing you need to do is sign up for Click Bank if you aren’t already a member. Simply go to http://Clickbank.com and click on affiliates. Fill out all the information. Make sure you use accurate information or else they will not be able to pay you. Once you have signed up for Click Bank, you then need to sign up for Microsoft Adcenter. Microsoft Adcenter is a PPC network much like Google’s Adwords. However I prefer Adcenter 10 times over Google. You can get clicks for much cheaper and Adcenter allows you to use redirects which we will talk about later. Actually, I’m going to show you exactly what the difference between the two is. Microsoft Adcenter 

1. Adcenter gets you clicks for cheaper than you would have to pay on Google Adwords

2. Adcenter allows you to set up redirects whereas Adwords make you link directly to your own website. 

3. Adwords is very strict about allowing you to use their service if you are making advertising or affiliate money – Adcenter is not.

4. Adcenter bases the position of you ad on how well each individual keyword performs. Adwords bases your position on the performance of the group of keywords as a whole. 

5. Pay for the advertising after you generate all of the clicks. Google Adwords 1. Has a broader reach because more people use the Google search engine. It’s pretty obvious which network it’s going to be more beneficial for you to use. Once you have signed up for both of those, if you don’t already have a hosting account and a domain, you’re going to need those also. I explain how to do that more later in the eBook if you don’t know how. When you advertise on Adcenter, your ad shows up on both Yahoo search results and Bing search results. If you look around on the internet it’s usually pretty easy to find a coupon for free $25 in advertising.

I’ve included one here, but I can’t guarantee it will work by the time you read this. Adcenter Coupon It is awesome to be able to use an advertising voucher to start your campaign out with because it’s going to take a while to get all your numbers perfect where you are maximizing your profit. Once you do get all the numbers right, you should be right around the end of your voucher and have already made about $100 or so. It’s probably going to take you a while a while to figure out how to use all of the features in Adcenter.

 It was a bit confusing for me the first time I switched over from Google Adwords. It especially took me a long time to figure out where to enter the promotional code for the free $25. To help save you some time, I’m going to explain where to enter it so you can get this process moving and don’t have to sit around trying to figure it out. 1. Click on the “Accounts & Billing” tab at the top of the home page in Adcenter 2. When the list of accounts comes up, click on your account name 3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and enter it in the field that reads “Promotion code”. You may have to enter some sort of alternative billing option before it lets you run the free $25. If you enter a credit or debit card, it will not be charged until the $25 has completely run out. If you determine you don’t want to continue running your campaign once the $25 is exhausted – maybe you want to wait for your Click Bank check to come in the mail first – then you will have to pause your campaign before you exceed the limit. Now that you are registered to both Click Bank and Microsoft Adcenter, it’s now time to start the magic. The first thing you are going to need is a product. You don’t want just any product, you want a good product. You want a profitable product. You want a product where you will be able to know what a buyer is searching when they want that product. Choosing a Product Scroll through Click Bank’s “Marketplace” area. This is where all of the vendors’ products are located. Some of them are garbage and some of them are gold. Finding out the difference is all up to you. Fortunately Click Bank gives you a few ways to sort all of the different products. You can sort by gravity and popularity (not entirely sure what the difference is, the results seem to barely differ), you can sort by what the average sale amount is as well as the rebill amount. I personally like products with rebilling. Think about it. You could spend a month advertising for the product and say you make 20 sales. So the next month you make 27 sales because you tweaked your campaign a little and improved your Click Through Ratio (CTR). On top of the 27 sales you made this month, you still collect money from the original 20

. The following month, you then make another 27 sales on top of collecting money from the first 47 people. The tricky part about these kind of products though, is that they may not be profitable the first month, but then a year later you could be making a boatload because you still have 100s of recurring commissions. It’s a great thing to see all of those commissions coming in at the same time when you’re only spending a small margin on the advertising. The problem is still finding a high quality and profitable product. 

When you see that a product has a lot of gravity or high popularity you can’t always assume that it’s profitable for you. If the popularity and gravity are high that means that some people are making a lot of money off of it. On the other hand, it means you’re probably going to have a lot of competition in that niche. The perfect scenario is when you find a product that has recently became popular throughout the world and is on the incline. You can be one of the front-runners and make money with it before it becomes too competitive. That’s one way to go about things. Another thing you must consider when looking for a product to promote is how well you know the product. If you know all of the terminology in that niche, you will have no problem finding keywords that people will be searching for that can find your product. 

If you can find a product which you know a lot about, you could possibly think up search terms that no one else (or at least not many) people have thought to try advertising for. If you see a product that you think can be very profitable but you don’t know the most about, it could be worth it to educate yourself on that product’s niche. Look up a few related Wikipedia articles and see if you can get a good base of knowledge for that product and the people that might be looking to buy it. As far as gravity/popularity goes, http://www.cb-analytics.com/ is a good source to track all of that. You can see what’s hot and what’s on its way out. So you think you’ve found a product that is profitable, a good product, and something you know enough about to pick out some good keywords. Now let’s take a look at what the vendor has given us to work with. Take a look at the sales page. Is it something that will intrigue the buyer? Will it keep them on the page long enough to convince them to buy it? You have to think about the buyer. What are they looking for? What does it take to get them to buy. I like sales pages that have videos on them – something that is filled with information for the customer. As the page teaches the customer, it makes them trust the vendor more and in turn makes them more willing to buy. Another thing that can really help sales is a popup box when they try to close out of the page. Something like “Wait! If you stay, we will reduce the price to ____”. Just in case the person was trying to leave solely because the price was something out of their range. The sales page looks good? Great! We’re almost there. There’s just one last thing we want to take a look at before we promote the product. Most vendors on Click Bank have a page specifically for affiliates to look at that has tips on how to promote their product. Take a look around the page and try to learn about effective ways to promote their product. Sometimes they will even give you a list of suggested keywords to use for PPC promotion of their products. Some will also give example text ads to use on PPC networks. Sometimes I find their information helpful, but then again, sometimes I find my own personal method (which you’re about to learn) for finding keywords and creating ads to work better. There was even one time when I took the vendor’s suggested keywords and ad and just copy and pasted it into my Adcenter campaign and started making money that day. Time to Find Keywords Now that you have a product and niche that you’re promoting, it’s time to find a ton of profitable keywords. I usually use Google’s keyword tool to come up with a lot of my keywords since Adcenter’s keyword suggestion tool is kind of weak. Since it would be pretty much impossible for me to show you this strategy without using a specific product, I’m going to walk you through the keyword process for a product called Satellite Direct. It’s a software that allows users to watch television channels through their computer. Let’s get started. Open the Google keyword tool. If you don’t have a Google Adwords account it will limit you to 300 results per search instead of 800 so I highly suggest you sign up even if you don’t use it.

https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal I looked at the affiliate program for the product I’m promoting and it gave me 440 suggested keywords. A good start but not even close to where we want to be. I copy and paste them all into the keyword tool to see what comes up. It appears the suggested keywords get a ton of monthly searches. That’s a good sign already that this could be a very profitable product. If your affiliate program doesn’t have any suggested keywords, just type a couple in that you know people would be typing in search engines if they wanted to buy your product. For this product I would have typed in keywords like “watch tv on my computer” and others related to that. 

As I look around, I’m quickly noticing that some of the keywords I got from the affiliate program are pretty weak and the person typing them in wouldn’t be a motivated buyer for my product. I go through and eliminate all of them. The fastest way to do this is to go through the words you entered in the keyword tool and check the box next to the good one. Once you have all the good ones selected, copy and paste them back into the keyword tool. Now that you have all the useful keywords in the tool start browsing through the results and get a feel for what kind of terms are search frequently. See if you can get them sorted into a couple different groups based on their keywords. One of the groups I notice right away that I can have sorted is key phrases using “streaming”. So that’s going to be my first target. In the box on the left it asks if there are any keywords you would like to include in all search results. I enter “streaming” and for negative keywords under that I enter obvious term I don’t want to use like “free” since someone searching that obviously wouldn’t be a motivated buyer. 71 results came up for that search. What I’m going to do is click on the checkbox at the top that selects all of them and then once they are selected, click on the “more like these” option. That option then does a search based on all of the selected keywords. After that, I now have 230 keywords using the term “streaming”. I’m going to repeat the last step I did and use the “more like these” option again. Make sure you go through each individual page to select all of the keywords. I’m now showing 243 results. Not a ton more, but still more than last time. Keep repeating this process until the keyword tool stops spitting out new keywords. Note: make sure you are selecting the keywords under “Search Terms” and “Keyword Ideas” when you use the “more like these” feature. Make sure you keep your eyes out for negative keywords as you do this. I spotted the term “audio” which isn’t very good for video streaming. Once you get up to 800 keywords, you’re maxed out using this strategy. You could start using a smaller portion of “Search Terms” and get more “Keyword Ideas”, but you will end up with a bunch of duplicates which you will have to get rid of by using excel or some spreadsheet software. Now it’s time to move on to a new keyword. Copy and paste the keywords you just got into notepad or something under a heading indicating the specific word that’s in all of the phrases. Now start the process over and use, in example the word “stream” in the included terms. You’ll see later why “streaming” and “stream” would have to be separated into separate categories. Keep repeating this process until you feel you have exhausted all the possibilities. Try to think outside the box when thinking of keywords. Another keyword tool I use is called “keyword pad” that I found online. There’s a lot of different ways you can alter keywords and get as many as you possibly can. The whole theory behind this technique is that if you get 100s of infrequently searched long tail keywords, you will be able to find ones that are a low cost and don’t have many people bidding on them. If no one else is bidding on the term, you will show up first in the search results, which will result in a lot of cheap clicks and sales of your product. Another thing you could do is get a list of network channels and shows and then put them into keyword pad. You can use a feature that will add a word to the beginning of every term you have entered. Throw “watch” and “stream” in front of all of them and you got another handful of keywords. Creating an Ad No it’s time to make your ads on Adcenter. With Adcenter, you can have you ads link to your website or you can just have them so straight to the sales page of the product you are promoting. That is something Google Adwords does not let you do. So in order to do this, you must have hosting and a domain. A website is not needed if you go with the direct linking method. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of using your own website: Advantages 1. You can push the product harder – act as if your website is a testimonial for the product and people will be more likely to buy it. 2. Easier to convince the consumer to buy – If the sales page of the product is missing on some points, you can remind the customer of those points. Disadvantages 1. Less people will end up actually making it to the sales page of the product. Many of them will take a quick look around your site and then leave. 2. You have to make the website. However, if you use a website or not, you will still at least need a domain name and hosting. I suggest using Host Gator for hosting as it is very cheap and reliable and their live chat customer service is fantastic. You can buy a domain through Host Gator or Go Daddy or whoever you’d like. Just make sure if you buy the domain somewhere other than Host Gator, that you set the nameserves to the ones provided through your hosting. If you would like to make a website but do not know how, I have included a free eBook in the “extras” folder explaining how to make them easily. Once you decided if you’re going to create an actual website or not, it’s time to create the ad. In Adcenter, go to “Campaigns” and click “Create Campaign”. Set your campaign budget. You can actually set the budget to $25 a month if you would like it to stop running once the $25 credit is exhausted and you would like to evaluate and alter your campaign before you want it to continue. Next you’re going to need to select the locations you want your ad to appear. Sometime you’re just going to want US and Canada and for some products you’re going to want to do all English speaking counties. It’s really your judgment call. I’m going to choose all English speaking counties for my Satellite Direct product. Under that is where you create the ad that’s going to be displayed. Make sure it is set to “text ad” as that is going to be what we are using. This is where half the magic comes in. The position ads rank when displayed on the search engines doesn’t only involve what the bids for the words are, but also what the Click Through Ratio (CTR) is. Think about it… if someone has an ad that gets clicked on 1/100 with a bid of .20 and someone else has an ad that gets clicked on 2/100 with a bid of .18, who is Adcenter making more money off of? The one that gets clicked on 2/100 times, even though their bid is lower. As you can see, CTR can make a huge difference in how much you spend and how much your ads get clicked. Think about this one: Imagine someone bidding .50 per click and getting 1/100 to click his had then imagine someone bidding .26 and getting 2/100 to click the ad. The person who bid .26 is getting their ad shown and paying less for it because of their higher CTR. So let’s make some ads that people are going to want to click. Go back to your list of keywords. Remember how I had you separate them into groups? That was so we can have that keyword inside the ad as many times as possible. Why would we do this? If you search something in any major search engine, you will notice that any time one of the words you search shows up in the results, it is bolded. When something is bolded, it draws your eyes to it. The more things that are bolded, the more you eye is drawn to it. We’re going to keep that theory into consideration the whole time we are creating these ads. I’m going to start with the “streaming” keyword list I had made earlier. Satellite Direct’s huge pitch is that they have 3500+ channels you can stream. So I make my title “3500+ Streaming Channels”. I have “streaming” bolded because it is in every term in my keyword list so I know any time someone search one of the terms this ad will show up for, they will have “streaming” as a bolded word. Next comes the ad text. This is usually two lines long – at least it should be if you use it to its full potential. There’s a couple different ways you can go about doing this strategy. You can make the text look as if it’s a testimonial of the product, or you can outline the customers benefits they will receive by using the product. We’ll cover both strategies. First let’s do the testimonial. When I do the testimonial, I like to use poor punctuation and not capitalize anything. If you take a look at other peoples ads, you will Notice That They Capitalize Every Word. i like to make mine stand out so i capitalize nothing. This makes your ad stand out from the others. In the ad text, you’re going to want to use your base keyword again. Remember, the more bold text, the more people’s eyes will be drawn to it. I’m going to make my ad text say “i’m streaming 3500 channels live from my pc using this software that…” I like using the “…” at the end because it is a sort of call to action for the person reading it. They see the … and want to click on the ad so they can finish reading what I started to say. This strategy works the best if you have them go to your website and push the product hard before you direct them to the product sales page. Now let’s create one that’s not a testimonial. The best way to do this is to have the first line contain the benefits of your product and the second line, have a call to action. With this method, I have found that the whole lowercase letting thing doesn’t work as well as it does for the testimonial. For this example I’m going to have “Streaming 3500 channels is easy by using this software.” Once you have the text for your ad entered, you need to enter your domain. Hopefully the domain you chose has a relevant keyword in it. We just have one more trick left to increase the amount of bolded text in our ad. Through your hosting, you’re going to want to make an empty page for your domain. In this case I’m going to add a page to my domain titled “streaming”. My domain is streamtvonmypc.com I chose that because it had a lot of valuable keywords in it for the niche. So now we’ve added “streaming” as a page to that domain, so the domain we enter in the text ad we’ve been creating is going to be streamtvonmypc.com/streaming. Now anytime someone searches one of the keywords I have in my list for “streaming”, the ad that comes up for them will look like this: 3500+ Streaming channels I’m streaming 3500 channels live from my pc using software that… StreamTVonMyPC.com/Streaming On top of the words that are already bolded, most of my keywords contained the words “live”, “pc” and “software” so those will also be bolded much of the time. That will draw people’s eyes over to my ad rather than other ads – increasing my CTR and decreasing theirs. It’s a pretty simple strategy I’ve always used to increase my CTR and for some reason not many others have caught on. I always do searches and see some of the sponsored results show up containing barely or no keywords at all. Whenever you see something like that, check out what they are selling, because if they are making money by using terrible ad writing techniques, think about how much money you could make with these strategies. After you repeat the strategy with all your different keyword lists, you should have a decent amount of leverage in the niche you are trying to capitalize on. I usually start my bid on all my keywords at around 10 cents. It’s usually high enough to see a decent return on the products as well as get enough traffic to make me some money on a day to day basis. If you’re hesitant about your product, or you aren’t willing risk any money, start your bid at .05 (the lowest you’re allowed to on Adcenter). You should almost always be able to make money at .05. The only way you can’t make money at that low of a bid is if you have a lot of irrelevant keywords in your list, at which point you should go back through the list and get rid of the bad ones. Sometimes you’ll come across a product that can only make you profits at very low keyword bids such as 7 cents. As long as the product is bringing you a higher earning per click than you are spending, then you should continue to run the campaign. I have had products that were in very competitive markets and I had to run the keywords at about 6 cents per click. It took me 200 clicks and a couple days to make a sale, but it was still a profit – so it was definitely worth continuing. I may have only made a $12 profit every 3rd day (on average) but the money ads up. If you can get 10 products to run at an efficiency as low as that one, it’s still an extra $14600 a year that you don’t have to work for. It just keeps coming in once you have the campaign set up. You can make virtually all campaigns profitable; it’s just a matter of how much traffic you get. Some campaigns will get enough traffic that you can make $250 a day, and some will only get $50 a week, but a profit is a profit. After your campaigns have been running for a week or so, go in a take a check on them. At first you will always find a way to make them more profitable. Click on your ad, then click on keywords and see which keywords are getting the most clicks. If you see keywords that are getting a lot of clicks, but don’t seem like keywords that would actually push sales, then get them out of the equation. Also, look at things like ad position. If the keyword seems like something that someone would be typing in when they are looking to buy your product, but that product isn’t getting many impressions, then you’re going to want to increase the bid on that specific keyword. You can do the exact opposite for keywords that seem like people might be hesitant to buy with and lower the amount you’re willing to bid. You can also test different ads and see which works the best. 

Run each one for a week and see which has the highest average CTR.

I once had an ad where I changed a single word in the ad title and increased the CTR by over 20%. Small things like that can be the difference between boom and bust.

As you keep creating new campaigns and perfecting them, you will eventually start to run out of products on Click Bank. 

That means it is time to move on.My second favorite affiliate network to use is DigiResults. It is much like Click Bank in the sense that they are all digital products. What I like about DigiResults is that it shows the average Earnings Per Click (EPC) for each individual product. That can help you determine what kind of conversion rate you will have for the product. Say you find a product that gets an average EPC of 90 cents. If you keywords are targeted, you could be bidding 50 cents (extremely high for Adcenter) and be bringing in a ton of traffic as well as making an extremely good return; 90 cents EPC – 50 cents CPC (cost per click) = 40 cents profit.

If you can get a scenario like that running with 500 clicks per day or so, you would be raking in a nice $200 a day. Let a campaign like that run and you will be having people begging you for you to tell them how you make your money.


Filed: Clickbank How-To's, Clickbank Money Making

tags: Clickbank Money Making

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